Monday, August 3, 2009

From Flagyl to Vanco

I felt soooooo crappy this morning (chills in a 75 degree house, headache, nausea, cramping pain, bloating, awful metallic taste from flagyl) that I suspected flagyl did not control the c-diff. I planned to see how I felt after breakfast. However, in the middle of my bowl of cereal I didn't know whether I would throw up or pass out. So I stopped eating and called my doc's office to leave a message. Miraculously his assistant answered the phone. I explained my situation and was quickly connected to my doc.

We talked about my current symptoms and agreed that I should switch to vancomycin, but NOT before giving my body at least a day to recover from flagyl. Even though I took no flagyl today, 6 hours after that phone conversation, I still have the metallic taste, feel very bloated, had cramping pains while eating lunch, didn't feel well after lunch and seriously considered throwing up (since I had no flagyl to taste or lose) for the first time in 19 weeks. I thought I had just eaten too much lunch, because I didn't eat much breakfast and was starved and shaky. Nevertheless, I'm committed to keep down anything I eat and didn't throw up. If I got nothing else out of my flagyl experience, I hoped to change my belief about throwing up when I feel uncomfortably full.

The nausea has decreased now, but the reflux is beginning. I will leave to walk to my clinic pharmacy to get my vanco Rx. I'm not certain whether I want to start Vanco with possible nausea or dizziness side effects tomorrow or wait another day. If I really feel sick with c-diff like symptoms , I may risk more nausea and start the vanco. Time will tell ...

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