Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not Much Cooler, More Nausea than Ever

After a record high of 103 degrees yesterday, Seattle's temperatures only got up to the mid 90s today. Tonight was cool enough that I actually could do some pruning and make a bouquet of gladiolas for our dining room table. I hope the upstairs cools enough to sleep well tonight. I haven't had more than 5 hours of sleep for the past 3 (very hot) nights. I usually try to nap in the afternoon, but don't nap more than an hour or so.

The combination of heat and flagyl made my nausea much worse last night. I had to work hard to distract myself from nausea after a salmon salad dinner, which I couldn't even finish. I sat up dozing on the sofa watching tv until 11:30pm, because I was afraid to lay down and get so sick I threw up. I do NOT look forward to meals, because I have to take the flagyl after every meal. If I don't eat as soon as I feel a hunger pang, I soon get so nauseas that I don't want to eat at all. Maybe the flagyl levels in my blood rise higher as my blood sugar drops between meals. I'm learning to grab a bite of fruit and drink ginger tea to decrease the nausea enough to convince myself I need to eat. The nausea makes me NOT want to eat or think about food. However, I know from experience that eating will decrease the nausea. Nevertheless, when I'm intensely nauseas, because I haven't eaten for awhile, I can't believe eating will make me feel better.

I really hope this flagyl treatment will eliminate the C-diff. However, if the flagyl does nothing else, I will have totally eliminated any urges to overeat. I can't eat very much before I feel too full, even when I take the flagyl after meals. Just as I can't imagine eating past comfort, I also can't imagine purposely throwing up after overeating. Maybe flagyl should be recommended treatment for bulimics. LOL If I did throw up when I felt nauseas, I would really taste even more of that horrible metallic flavor of the flagyl. I taste it enough when I take the pills with hazelnut milk.

I hope this experience doesn't make me dislike hazelnut milk. I tend to dislike foods I associate with painful or negative experiences. My experience with fighting nausea after eating a salmon salad made me not want salad for dinner tonight. We need to eat salads almost every night to use the fresh lettuce in our garden. Maybe tomorrow night I'll try chicken salad with no oranges or tomatoes (citrus and tomatoes can cause reflux).

As soon as the weather cools, I'm making french fries for dinner. I constantly craved french fries during my last course of flagyl. However, we do 'oven fries' and I don't want to heat up the kitchen. Maybe this weekend ... I crave really bland food when I feel nauseas, like ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch and cooked cereal for breakfast. Really starchy foods, like bread, cereals, rice and potatoes, appeal to me when I feel nauseas, but not as much when I'm well. Even in this hot weather, I don't enjoy eating more than 1-2 spoonfuls of ice cream. I may get my ginger cookies from the downstairs freezer. I lost interest in those after I stopped taking flagyl. Those cookies could let me eat ginger and starchy food at the same time.

I need to stop posting about food here. Even writing about food makes me feel nauseas ... it just never goes away ... until after I finish 10 days of flagyl. 3 days done, 7 to go. SIGH


Claudi said...

your nausea sounds a bit like when I was pregnant as soon as my somach emptied a bit I got sick and did not feel like eating but food actually helped, with a full stomach I felt less nauseated

hang in there glad the temperature is going down a bit

its hot and muggy here, this afternoon the sun is out but the damp air is still around its like in the jungle

sue said...

Thanks, Claudia. Fortunately, my nausea will only last for another week, unlike your nausea, which lasted several (9?) months. The cooler temperatures should help me feel better. At least I got 8 hours of sleep last night ... interrupted sleep, but still 8 hours worth of sleep.

My nausea is worst when I need to eat. I do feel some hunger pangs, which tell me to eat. However, if I don't eat right then, I feel no more hunger pangs. I just feel intense nausea, which makes me NOT want to eat. I guess I just have to eat according to my MIND, which knows that nausea means I need to eat ... I only get one chance with body cues of hunger. I'm not used to eating when I'm slightly hungry. I prefer to eat a larger amount of food when I'm moderately hungry. I guess the 'rules' are different with nausea. I need to eat smaller amounts more often.

You sound like you're living in a rain forest now. Have you seen any parrots fly by? LOL Enjoy the warmth while you can.