Thursday, January 1, 2009

Leaving Behind, Carrying Forward

I consider beginning new programs or committing to change habits, because I open a new calender, rather arbitrary and counterproductive. Lasting change occurs when we are ready, usually after many unsuccessful attempts which teach us what doesn't work. I prefer to continue the good habits I began last year and bid a fond farewell to the behaviors and beliefs I left behind in 2008. So I begin this New Year with several successful habit changes, helpful insights and a commitment to carry forward what helped me heal during the past year. I also want to leave behind the unhealthy habits, counterproductive behaviors and irrational beliefs that kept my body unhealthy for so many years, but especially during the past year.


Daily letters to God in my prayer journal;

Considering why I want to eat and how I want to feel when I stop, before every meal;

Conscious, mindful eating (I'm currently reading "Eating the Moment: 141 Mindful Practices to Overcome Overeating One Meal at a Time" by Pavel G. Somov.);

Choosing to nurture my body, by eating just enough food to satisfy and feel comfortably full, when I stop eating, rather than deprive my body of comfort and well-being by overeating;

Daily, prayerful walks alone and/or quiet walks arm in arm with my husband (we began that during the icy/snowy weather when we hung onto each other to prevent falling);

Patience with my recovery from physical symptoms like irregularity, reactions to accidental contamination by food allergies, injuries, etc.;

Continue to freely choose foods that I enjoy eating, as well as 'whole body pleaser' foods which taste good, feel good in my body and leave me unhungry for several hours;

Considering my husband's perspective when I feel frustrated by his actions;

Talk less and listen more;

Keeping a running list of tasks I would LIKE to complete, but not considering those 'must do's;

Continue to teach myself to sew, do alterations and construct garments;

Continue learning by writing this blog;


BORING posts about mealtime self-talk LOL;

Telling myself 'Oh what the heck, I might as well binge' to rationalize bingeing and purging;

Unnecessarily restricting any food that is 'safe' (not a food allergy or intolerance or lower esophageal relaxer which causes reflux);

Freaking out over irregularity, rather than graciously accepting my body rhythms;

Speaking, before thinking, when I feel frustrated by my husband's actions or words;

'Chipmunk cheeks' caused by bingeing and purging;

Ignoring my physical needs (for food, sleep, bathroom time, etc.) while on the computer;

Purchasing new clothing when I feel frustated or deprived;

Taking on new responsibilities (like volunteering to lead groups or help organizations in other ways) without prayerfully considering whether God intends those for me;

Reflux caused by overeating, consuming alcohol or caffeine, and a few other foods;

Urgency to complete every item on my to do list, while I ignore opportunities for spontaneous connection with people I love.

That's a lot to leave behind and carry with me. I know that I already 'left' many of those items behind during the last months of 2008. Other items will require conscious effort to continue or permanently leave behind.


Christina said...

You said you're leaving behind your "BORING mealtime self-talk"...

I just wanted to let you know that I have appreciated you sharing what goes on inside your head when you're eating. Your posts have reminded me that I need to be much more present and practising conscious eating, assessing pleasers/teasers/whole body pleasers. I just wanted to let you know that your journey has served to help me:-)

Also, I think that I think the beauty of blogging is that it acts as our personal journal made public. I know I often look back at posts that I am certain have served little or no purpose in edifying/encouraging others, but am glad I documented what I felt, learned or thought. We're all simply on a journey and blogging almost let's us join hands for the journey.

Anyways, keep on keeping on:-) God is doing a good work in you and will bring it to completion. Thank you for being vulnerable, transparent and open.

In Christ,

sue said...

THANKS, Christina!!! Previously I began other blogs with the intention of helping others by sharing my struggles and insights. However, I felt disappointed when I received only occasional reply comments to my posts. I actually started and deleted (after several months) 5 blogs. I also moderated a website 'recovery rebellion' for over 2 years, but finally deleted that, because I didn't believe I was 'helping enough' other people.

I didn't blog for over a year before starting this current blog, which I started for ME, realizing that I may receive few comments. However, I wanted to journal my insights along this part of my recovery journal.

My story seemed unique to me, because I don't know many celiacs or others with multiple (or 7 like me) food allergies who also struggled with disordered eating habits before (and/or after) they were diagnosed with CD. So I didn't expect many response comments.

Maybe God is using this blog to reach other people, because I'm honestly sharing my struggles as well as describing my solutions. I'm not worried about what other people think of me ... maybe because I left my more 'disordered eating habits' behind ... or maybe because I rely on God's grace to take away the shame from past, present or even future overeating behaviors. Whatever ... I'm pleasantly surprised by the comments I have received and thank you for yours.