Monday, October 25, 2010

75mcg of Levoxyl Is Too Much

While taking approximately (more or less) 75mcg of Levoxyl for the past 10 days, I've experienced intermittent overdose symptoms of tachycardia (which interferred with sleep), slight chest pain, and breathing difficulty when walking uphill. I probably should have cut back sooner, but I thought that increased dose helped regularity. Eventually I realized I still depend on magnesium for regularity, esp. when taking vitamin D.

I emailed my doc last night and took only 50mcg of Levoxyl this morning. However, Levoxyl takes awhile to leave the body. If I still have OD symptoms tonight, I'll take less tomorrow. My doc may advise me to temporarily stop taking Levoxyl. I'll share her reply when I hear from her.

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