Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feel Crappy Twice or 4 Times Daily?

I slowly recalled how much I disliked side effects of caprylic acid, when I took that for 2 other intestinal bacterial infections. My doc prescribe 2 CA capsules 2x a day plus probiotics. I vaguely recall that the side effects of nausea, headache, cramping pain and bloating subsided after a few days. However I may be confusing caprylic acid with nystatin, both of which are used for treating candida. (I finally eliminated candida after 5 months of nystatin, which probably made me more susceptible to c-diff.) Nevertheless, I wondered whether I would experience less intense side effects from CA by taking one capsule at equally spaced intervals during the day (like every 5 hours). I also emailed my doc to ask whether that would decrease side effects reactions, help me adjust more quickly to CA and possibly more effectively treat the achromobacter.

I didn't receive a reply from my doc yet. So I tried taking one CA capsule with my morning fruit snack, which is not really breakfast, just a few bites of fruit and 1/2 cup of apple juice, enough to keep me satisfied for about 2 hours. Then I experienced all the usual CA side effects, maybe a bit less intense. I had planned to take the next CA capsule 5 hours later. However, I recalled that yesterday I felt crappy after taking the 2 CA capsules with breakfast and then felt much better before I had to take 2 more capsules with dinner. I actually didn't feel that bad last night.

Then I realized taking one capsule every 5 hours would just make me feel crappy all day long, rather than 4 hours after I take the 2 capsule dose. So I took the other CA capsule with breakfast. I noticed eating higher fat foods (almond butter and hazelnut milk) did reduce the intensity of CA side effects. So I'll return to my original plan of 2 capsules with breakfast, 2 capsules with dinner plus 2 probiotics with dinner for a total of 2 weeks. I hope that treatment plan knocks out this achromobacter. I'm not happy about suffering bloating, cramping pain, nausea and headaches for 2 weeks. Hopefully, the more intense side effects will decrease or even disappear over the next few days.


Gothic Writer said...

Hi, Sue, I hope this treatment works quickly and that you get rid of the achromobacter fast. Sorry you are dealing with the side effects...

sue said...

Thanks, Lisa. In order to kill the achromobacter I need to take the caprylic acid 2x plus 2 probiotics daily for 2 weeks, which includes during my birthday, one musical and one play performance. Usually I hate taking probiotics, which make me bloat, when I go out to performances, dinners, etc. However, I may experience less bloating from probiotics if I divide the dose during day.

Likewise, I seem to be adjusting pretty well to the CA. I had a headache, cramping pain and nausea the first day. Slight nausea and cramping pain, but no headache the second day and only slight cramping pain yesterday, my best day so far. As I suspected, the CA side affects only lasted 3 days.

Amazingly my diarrhea disappeared after only one CA dose and has not returned. So that ongoing problem must have been caused by the achromobacter, rather than all the other allergy reactions I suspected, while I was searching for answers. I thought I reacted to cane sugar fiber with diarrhea, but I usually only get tachycardia and nausea from cane sugar. Also I thought I reacted to a local organic deli item, which never previously caused problems.

I'm not holding my breath LOL, but maybe I can get and stay healthy for awhile after killing achromobacter. Nevertheless, I'll follow the CA treatment with a 7 day high dose probiotic treatment and then keep taking probiotics forever. LOL