Monday, November 29, 2010

Jump-starting My Immune System

Today I picked up Low Dose Naltrexone (prescription), IAG (arabinogalactan supplement), and intramuscular B12 and folate (injection at my doc's clinic). The injection didn't hurt at all. I took the first teaspoon of IAG dissolved in water. That tasted like soapy dishwater. UGGHH!! I may take the next dose dissolved in apple juice tomorrow morning. I have yet to take my first LDN capsule, but will take that just before going to bed. LDN should stimulate white blood cell production. IAG should fight my respiratory infection. B12 and folate will address a possible deficiency which could affect my white blood cell count. So those 3 things should jump start my immunity and help me recover from this 3-4 month long respiratory infection.

I've now taken 3 days of liothyronine (2x daily 5 micrograms of T3 supplement) and feel nothing, no side effects, no obvious improvement. I wonder whether that dose is too low (10 mcg daily) to make any difference in my hypothyroid symptoms (cold intolerance, fatigue, irregularity, etc.). I suspect my doc prescribed a very conservative dose, because T3 supplements can easily cause overdose symptoms. Because I believe I did NOT overdose on T4, but really just reacted to cane sugar with tachycardia, I know I won't OD on such a low dose of T3. I emailed my doc about my realization about 5 weeks of cane sugar reaction symptoms. Maybe that will reassure her that I can tolerate a higher T3 dose.

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