Friday, November 26, 2010

Now I Get It

I emailed my doc this morning to ask why she no longer thought B12 deficiency caused my low white blood cell count. She told me that my last CBCs (blood test results) indicated that I WAS absorbing the B12 and folate supplements I took. However, my white blood cells still decreased. So it's now time for a more powerful immune stimulator (low dose naltrexone), which I will get on Monday from a custom pharmacy, because that supplement will be compounded. Also I'll go to my doc's clinic on Monday to get another supplement (arabinogalactan), which treats chronic infections, and a B12/folate injection to boost my energy levels while I'm waiting for the other drugs to stimulate my immune system.

I picked up my T3 supplement (liothyronine) this afternoon. So I'll start taking that tomorrow morning with my T4 supplement (and one more T3 two hours after lunch). That T3 supplement will improve all my hypothyroid problems, like fatigue, cold extremities, low immunity, regularity, etc. I'm looking forward to FINALLY resolving all my hypothyroid symptoms. I need to research why I don't easily convert T4 to T3. Maybe that's also related to Hashimoto's thryoiditis, which is linked to celiac disease ...

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