Friday, September 24, 2010

Respiratory Infection Update

This cold certainly tried my patience. I've endured sore throat, sinus congestion and then sinus infection, which slowly healed over the past 10 days or so. While trying to eat more iron rich foods to treat anemia and increase my energy, I also took extra folate and Vitamin B12 to treat anemia linked to low white blood cells. I also significantly increased my consumption of Vitamin D (from 2,000 to 6,000 IU daily, as my ND had originally suggested) after reading exactly how Vitamin D fights infections. I haven't experienced any vitamin D 'toxicity' symptoms, while taking that 'therapeutic dose'.

I can't really tell whether the Levoxyl has improved my low thyroid symptoms (fatigue, cold extremities, dry skin, etc.) because my cold symptoms are similar to low thyroid symptoms. However, I haven't had any constipation no matter how little fiber or fluids I consume. That's a welcome switch, which I attribute to improved thyroid function. I won't really know whether the Levoxyl changed all my low thyroid symptoms until after my cold disappears. Nevertheless, after 2 more days I will have taken Levoxyl for 2 weeks. I've read improvement signs become more obvious after 2-3 weeks. So I hope I'll feel more energetic and just plain healthy during the upcoming week.

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