Friday, September 3, 2010

Blood Test Results

I received the last of my blood test results today (by email reminder from my HMO to check their website where my lab results were posted). All those test results were within normal range EXCEPT the CBC. I had low results for WBC (white blood count) and MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration).

After much online research I learned that low white blood count can be caused by (among other things) parasitic infections, amoebiasis and specifically Dientamoeba Fragilis infections. I don't know whether I developed a low WBC, because I battled that D-frag parasite for 4 months or whether I STILL have d-frag critters in my gut. I plan to take another stool test after 10 more days.

Low MCHC can be a sign of anemia, blood loss or low vitamin B6. Because I've taken B6 regularly for years and haven't given blood, I suspect anemia. I've felt more tired than usual for the past few years. I thought fighting all those intestinal infections made me more tired, but now I realize inadequate iron levels constributed to my fatigue. I know that in the recent past, when I wasn't taking HCl supplements, I have eaten less heme foods (meats) and probably not efficiently digested what I did eat. Without adequate stomach acid, the stomach can't effectively digest protein and/or absorb iron from foods. I haven't weighed enough to give blood since I was in my freshman year of college.

However, I gave what seemed like a lot of blood for all those blood tests. I also have a constant reminder of that blood draw. The lab tech punctured at least one and maybe 2 of my veins. So I have a huge, painful bruise on my left arm. Also I have a small bruise on my left upper arm, where the tech placed a rubber band device to plump the vein. My husband told me that blood banks use blood pressure cuffs, which doesn't bruise the area. Because I couldn't find a comfortable position for that bruised arm, I haven't slept well for the past 2 nights. Needless to say, I won't let that lab tech draw my blood ever again.

Although the other blood test results were within normal limits, I was surprised by 4 other results. In the lipoprotein panel, my total chloesterol was back up (from 195 3 years ago to 210 in 2010) and my LDL was near the top of the 'normal range. I never saw any previous results for LDL, because my HMO never previously did fasting tests for Lipoprotein. Also my fasting glucose was higher than I expected, although still normal.

Best of all my Vitamin D levels were normal. My naturopath insists that anyone who lives in Seattle must be vitamin D deficient. However, I walk in sunshine without sunscreen on my arms and legs on every sunny day. I also eat foods which are high in Vitamin D. After my naturopath's suggestion, I began to take vitamin D supplements. However, I only took those on cloudy, gray days.

My HMO doc wasn't concerned about any of those 'normal' results. I don't know what my naturopath, who requested the fasting tests (esp. the lipoprotein panel) will say about those results.

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