Wednesday, June 9, 2010

7 More Days of Side Effects

My doc decided to try Humatin (paromomycin) to treat my d-frag parasite, after I told him I prefered that drug over iodoquinlon, which contains lactose. (I have a dairy allergy.) He thought Humatin might work, since Alinia didn't kill off the d-frag. Actually I think he didn't give me enough Alinia or a long enough treatment period. Nevertheless, I prefer a drug which doesn't contain my allergens.

Maybe this one will kill the rest of the parasite in my gut. I didn't feel as intense pain or nausea after Alinia treatment as I did before treatment. However, I really don't know how much Alina side effects was due to the drug or the soy lecithin in the drug. Maybe Humatin will finish off the d-frag critter ... Maybe not. This undertreating and then changing drugs approach seems very familiar, like what my doc did a year ago for my c-diff infection. Here we go again ...

Meanwhile the Tahoma clinic staff docs meet tonight to review my patient history and decide whether anyone can resolve my problem of recurrent gastro (bacterial, fungal and parasitic) infections. I don't want to go to their clinic while I'm on Humatin, which may interfere with their test results. So the soonest I'd want to make an appointment will be a week from Friday. At this point I just want to survive a week of Humatin side effects.

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