Saturday, March 6, 2010

Digestive Challenges Without HCl

About 2 weeks ago I stopped taking betaine hydrochloride supplements for digestion. Almost immediately I stopped refluxing acid. I still refluxed sometimes, but didn't hurt my throat with the acid burn. The throat irritation and cough slowly decreased. However, I still feel that tickle and cough when I feel tired or cold. Nevertheless, I also immeidately noticed that my stomach digested food much more slowly. So I didn't feel satisfied as soon as previously. I often overate until I realized that eating slowly would give my stomach enough time to digest enough food for me to experience satisfaction or 'fullness'. I suspect those sensations are related to blood sugar stabilization as much as quantity consumed.

Nevertheless I've decided to abstain from all digestive supplements for awhile. I'm tired of taking extra supplements. I suspect my digestion was previously challenged by intestinal problems from celiac disease, food allergies and 6 different intestinal 'bugs' (4 bacteria, one parasite, candida). Maybe, just maybe, my gut can digest what I eat, provided I don't overeat.

I seem to still have enough stomach acid to digest meats, even though high protein meals seem to stay in my stomach for at least 4 hours. I digested proteins and fats more easily and quickly, when I took HCl supplements. However, I don't want to risk continual acid reflux, which can cause esophageal cancer. I worry that insufficent stomach acid allows bad bugs to enter my intestines. So I keep taking daily probiotics to maintain a high good bacteria population and crowd out the bad bugs.

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