Tuesday, January 3, 2012

DHEA Side Effects and CD Group

I've been on sublingual DHEA for one month now. Immediately I noticed I stopped getting cold symptoms. I haven't had one cold during the past month. So DHEA seems to improve my immunity. Just as I heard/read DHEA can cause oilier skin and hair. However, I haven't gotten acne (other than one strange bump on my upper chest/bottom of my neck). Nevertheless, that's all good for me, because I've had dry skin and hair all my life (perhaps because of hypothyroidism).

I'll stay on my current 0.25ml (2.5mg) daily dose of DHEA for at least 3 more months. (I love the cherry flavor! LOL) I'll also love not having to take a daily dose of arabinogalactin (prebiotic powder) to relieve cold symptoms. Amazingly my husband brought home (from the office) a cold, which I didn't get. I gave him some arabinogalactin powder and he recovered within 24 hours from severe cold symptoms. That arabinogalactin is great stuff, but it does cause gas and bloating (like most prebiotics) every time I take it. I need the extra oil in my hair and skin (which DHEA causes), but I won't increase the dose, because I don't want to have to wash my hair everyday.

I've decided to start a gluten intolerance/celiac disease awareness group at my church. I know there are other members with gluten intolerance (or celiac disease), because they offer gluten free communion bread. I had to negotiate with the worship team leader to get some gluten, dairy, egg, soy, cane sugar free communion wafers so that I could participate. I haven't had the 'bread' part of communion since I was diagnosed with celiac disease (and then those other 6 allergens) in 2004. I actually served communion at our previous church, so that I would have to obviously pass up communion bread. Nobody ever notices what the servers do, unless they have a special ceremony for servers, which happened once, much to my embarassment. A fellow server just couldn't understand why I couldn't take the gluten containing communion bread no matter what I said. SIGH

Anyway I feel well enough (and motivated enough) to share my experience and knowledge about gluten intolerance (and related food allergies) with a small (hopefully) group at my church. I don't want to talk about food allergies so much, because there's a huge controversy about whether delayed reaction (IgG or IgA mediated) allergies are 'real' allergies, compared to immediage reaction (anaphylactic or IgE mediated) allergies. I know that they are all caused by immune reactions, which tells me they're allergies, not intolerances, which are caused by missing enzymes (like lactose intolerance). However, I know many people believe their (rather uninformed) doctors' opinions. Also they have been tested with some rather questionable allergy tests (saliva or skin) and are convinced they have many allergies. I don't know why someone would want to restrict themselves based on questionable test results. 7 food restrictions are plenty for me!

Nevertheless, I want to get some end of the year and new year chores done, before I take on leading another group. So I may wait another month to start the group.

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