Thursday, November 15, 2012

Doctor Appointment

I visited my ND today to discuss my latest blood test results.  She wasn't concerned about my low WBC because it was still in the normal range. She did suggest that I get another CBC after 3 months, to check whether my wbc is still in range. We both decided against LDN, because it exacerbates the effect of thyroid supplements. Finding an effective thyroid dose took me a year. So I don't want to mess with that. However, she agreed that I could take IAG (arabinogalactans) again to fight and prevent colds. I've had 2 colds since returning from Maui in late October and might be getting my husband's cold, which he got from a coworker.  I gave him a dose of IAG as soon as I got home, because hesbeen home sick for the past 2 days. 

After looking at my toenails, my doc suspected I may need to continue treatment for 6 months. She previously recommended treating my chronic toenail fungus with oil of geranium mixed with DMSO 2x daily for 3 months. However, considering I had that problem for many years, 6 months of treatmet is more realistic. SIGH

The really good news was my blood pressure (120/75), pulse (85) and temperature (98.8). Those were my first really normal readings ever.  However, I suspect those were a tad inflated because I had just eaten lunch before my appointment. Nevertheless, those reading show that my thyroid supplement is finally the right amount and type (T3 only) to resolved my hypothyroid symptoms. 

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