Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blood Test Results

I received my lab test results.  My vitamin D3 level decreased a bit, but is still within the 'normal range' according to the lab range. However, I know that's not optimal and could explain my frequent respiratory infections (2 colds in the last month).  So I increased my daily supplements from 1000 to 2000mg of D3.

My CBC had few surprises. Everything was normal, except my WBC, which dropped even more during the past year, and my MCHC which slipped below normal again.  My WBC level was right at the bottom of the normal range.

The surprise was the TB blood test (IGRA or interferon gamma release assay). That was negative for the tb bacteria. I was surprised that I could get a negative blood test result after getting 2 positive skin tests as a child and another positive blood test when I was in my early 20s.  However, I'm happy that I won't have to take long term antibiotics (6-9 months) to treat latent tb.  Also I can't explain my low WBC with latent tb. However, I did take vancomycin (to treat c-diff) for several months. Vancomycin can sometimes cause neutropenia (low neutrophils) which lowers the WBC. I never had low WBC until after I took Vancomycin for an extended period.  Nevertheless, I don't understand why my WBC would continue to drop 3 years after I took vanco and also was treated with LDN (to raise WBC) for several months. I need to talk to my ND about my decreasing WBC. 


bmoresteuart said...

Hi Sue, thank you for your blog and sharing your experiences with the rest of us. I have a question about your Nystatin experience if you don't mind? I see from that you were on Nystatin and did not stick to a restricted diet. Did you eat fruit? I am on Nystatin tablets 3x/day just like you were. But I can't figure out if fruit is hindering my progress. I don't have the common symptoms of candida but was diagnoAnd its difficult to tell if its going away. sed as 2+ on a cdsa. Thank you for your help.

sue said...

Hi Mike:
While I was taking nystatin for candida (which was diagnosed by Metametrix stool test), I ate anything that was not a diagnosed allergen, which included any kind of fruit. My diagnosed allergens (by ELISA and Enterolab tests) are: gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, cane sugar, vanilla and nutmeg. Even though I can't eat cane sugar, I can still eat beet sugar, honey, agave, etc. So I did NOT restrict carbs or follow that very restrictive anti candida diet (many only versions), while I took Nystatin.

I also couldn't tell if the Nystatin was working, because I experienced common side effects of bloating, cramping pain and gas. Many people consider that 'candida die off'. However, I experienced those symptoms with other antibiotic and antiparasitic drugs. So I don't believe the 'die off' theory.

Moreover, I had ongoing irregularity, which I believed was related to my gut infections, because I didn't eat my allergens. (I had 8 gut infections including 5 bacteria, 2 parasites and candida over a 4 year period.) Eventually I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which affected my metabolism and gut motility. Resolving hypothyroidism with thyroid supplements resolved the irregularity, which I (and others) thought was caused by bacterial overgrowth, candida, allergies, etc. So if you still have ongoing symptoms, after you finish the nystatin, and if you test negative for candida on your next text, consider other causes for ongoing symptoms.