Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Post LDN Symptoms and Blood Tests

I took my last LDN (low dose naltrexone) capsule 6 days ago. After 36 hours I awoke with what felt like a hangover, but I haven't consumed alcohol for at least 2 years. I was nauseas and had a headache, but no respiratory symptoms (which could indicate another cold). The next day I felt less nausea and no headache. So I suspect I was 'withdrawing' from LDN.

However 3 days after finishing LDN I developed slight cold (respiratory infection) symptoms. The next day I definitely had another bad cold, which I'm still fighting 2 days later. I had a brief (2 week) break from cold symptoms after my 3 week battle with a sinus infection during March, while I took my initially prescribed dose (3 mg daily) of LDN. However, 4 days after I stopped taking LDN I developed another bad cold.

Nevertheless, I did a blood draw on Monday (the day I woke up with severe cold symptoms). I suspected the cold would lower my white blood cell count, even if that had increased. So I was pleasantly surprised by my CBC results, which I received the same day:

WBC (total white blood cell count) 6.2 (normal range 4.0-10.7) vs. 3.4 on January 28;

Absolute Neutrophils were 4.49 (normal range 2.0-7.3) vs. 1.93 (below normal) on 1/28;

Absolute Lymphocytes were 1.01 (normal range 1.0-3.4), which is consistent with active viral infections (another cold), vs. 1.06 on 1/28;

MCHC was 33 (normal range 33-37) vs. 32 on 1/28.

The WBC and Neutrophil level improvements tell me that the LDN worked!

I also received 2 of the 4 thyroid hormone tests:

TSH was 1.69 vs. 1.72 on 1/13/11 (normal range 0.3-3.0);

Free T4 was 0.52 vs. 0.67 on 1/13 (normal range ).9-1.8), which were low because I didn't take a T4 supplement while taking LDN to avoid hyperthyroid sympoms.

My vitamin D3 level was 40 (normal range 30-80) vs. 93 (higher than normal) on 1/13. So I finally got that down to normal level. I had severe constipation while I had the higher level. So I abstained from vitamin D for 3 months. I may resume taking a lower daily dose (1000 IU) of D3. My doc originally prescribed D3 to help fight respiratory infections. However, my infections were just as frequent and severe when I had high vitamin D levels as when I had low vitamin D levels. So I'm not convinced that vitamin D fights viral infections. I also learned that I consume many high vitamin D containing foods, while I tried to abstain from vitamin D. 2 of the highest vitamin D sources are canned salmon and sesame seeds. I eat a salad with canned salmon and sesame seeds at least 2x a week. I also frequently eat many other high Vitamin D foods.

I'm still awaiting my free T3 and TPOab (Hashimoto's antibodies) blood test results. Hopefully I'll get those before my appointment with my doctor tomorrow. I will ask her whether I should: (1) resume taking LDN (because I didn't get colds when I took the recommended dose) and (2) resume taking a T4 supplement (maybe 25 mcg daily of Levoxyl?) in addition to my T3 supplement (11-12 mcg of liothyronine). I stopped taking T4 because the LDN exacerbated the effect of that hormone and caused hyperthyroid symptoms (palpitations). However, I experience daily a daily low energy (crash) between T3 doses. So maybe a T4 supplement (which has a longer half-life than T3) will keep my energy levels higher. Nevertheless, if I resume taking LDN, I'll have to keep the T4 dose low enough to prevent hyper symptoms and high enough to prevent the pm energy crash. Oh well, I'm used to juggling my thyroid hormone doses. SIGH

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