Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Increasing LDN Dose

After I 'stabilized' on a lower dose of LDN and higher dose of T3 (morning and afternoon), I had more energy, body warmth and normal regularity. However, I still got cold symptoms when I: (1) didn't get enough sleep, (2) spent time with large crowds of people, i.e., shopping in a mall), or (3) got physically stress (cold, wet and tired), even while continuing to take arabinogalactin 2x daily. So I decided to slowly increase my LDN dosage.

A LDN website suggested that patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (like me) start LDN at a low dose and slowly increase that level. Unfortunately my doc started me at a higher LDN dose, which was appropriate for my weight, but inappropriate for someone taking thyroid supplements for an autoimmune thyroid condition. (LDN improves all autoimmune conditions, which makes Hashi patients need less thyroid supplement and possibly get hyperthyroid symptoms when taking LDN, as I experienced.)

Nevertheless, my doc prescribed the LDN to stimulate my immune system to increase my white blood cell production. (My last 2 WBC test results were low and lower.) If I have an autoimmune condition which causes low WBC (like non-Hodgkins lymphoma), LDN can also improve that condition, which in turn improves immunity and WBC production. So I want to eventually return to my initially prescribed LDN dose (3mg daily), because that is the optimal treatment dose for my body weight.

When I decided to lower my LDN dose from 3mg to 1.5mg, I bought some empty capsules so that I could divide the LDN capsules. That 'dividing' process made me confident enough to later increase the dosage. During the past week I increased my dose from 1.5 mg to 1.75 and tolerated that well (no sleep problems, no diminished appetite). Next I will take 2mg of LDN for the next few days and see how I tolerate that dose. If I tolerate that, I may return to my original 3 mg dose for the remaining 2 months of my prescribed LDN treatment. I also plan to get another blood test for CBCs (includes WBC) and thyroid hormones (T3, T4 and TSH) about mid January, which will be halfway through my LDN treatment period.

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