Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alinia Contains Soy Lecithin

Now I know why I had horrible cramping pain during my last alinia treatment (for cryptosporidia parasite). The ingredients include soy lecithin. However the other drug which could treat my d-frag critter (iodoquinlon) contains a 'lactose' ingredient, which means dairy. I have even more severe, long lasting reactions to dairy. I'll opt for 3 days of cramping pain from alinia with soy, rather than 20 days of cramping pain and irregularity from iodoquinlin. @#$%^& if I do and @#$%^& if I don't. So I chose the most effective (hopefully) and shortest treatment. It's always something. SIGH

Meanwhile I need to make an appointment with another local clinic, managed by the doc who wrote "Why Stomach Acid is Good for You". I suspect my tendency to get gut bugs is related to my digestive challenges, possibly caused by achloridia or low stomach acid. Normal amounts of stomach acid kill foodborn bacteria and/or parasites. People with low stomach acid are much more susceptible to those gut bugs.

I seemed to have acquired my latest critter (d-frag) after I went off my HCl supplements. However the d-frag may have caused the reflux which caused the burning pain which led me to my traditional doc, who advised me to abstain from HCl supplements. Ironically she never asked WHY I took HCl supplements or whether I had any other digestive problems. My HMO doc always looks for the quickest explanation or treatment without considering what causes the symptoms.

My naturopathic doc also seems to use the 'treat 'em and street 'em' approach. Although he tests for the sources of my gastro symptoms with stool tests (or blood tests for food allergies), he never considers why I continue to get one bad bug infection after another. My current 2 bugs are my 7th and 8th infection during the past 4 years. Two per year. This is getting old. I need to find a doc who wants to do some medical detective work and treat the cause of my chronic vulnerability to gut bugs.

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