After almost 2 days of eating only when sitting down, this afternoon I struggled with wanting to eat between meals when I was not hungry, but was tired and headachey. I wonder how often I previously 'medicated' my fatigue, headaches or even gut pain with food. Today was especially difficult, because Tylenol would not relieve my sleep deprivation headache. However, I kept my resolve to only eat at meals. I felt like I overate a large vegan salad at dinner. However, I also took 2 probiotics before dinner. Those make me bloat and feel 'full' no matter what or how much I eat.
I looked forward to meals, enjoyed what I ate and noticed when I felt full. I didn't want to eat past full, because I didn't want to make myself uncomfortable. I can understand how only eating at meals helped me previously, easily maintain my weight no matter what I ate.
I'm currently rereading Geneen Roth's chapter "Distracted Eating" in her book "Breaking Free from Emotional Eating". That explains how distracted eating often leads to overeating. I have returned to distracted eating (while watching tv or reading even when I sit to eat) repeatedly. I totally understand how distracted eating makes me feel unsatisfied when I feel full. Feeling unsatisfied makes me consider what additional food might make me feel satisfied. So I often crave and eat sweets, especially low fiber sweets, after I feel full. When I'm fully present as I eat, I don't feel unsatisfied when I feel full.
Above all, limiting my eating to sit down meals (I haven't tried sit down snacks yet) gives me boundaries, which allow me to anticipate and enjoy meals when I'm actually hungry and resist eating when I'm physically uncomfortable from fatigue, headaches, etc. or emotionally uncomfortable. Nevertheless, maintaining that 'sit to eat' boundary will be easier when I'm fully rested and feel physically well.
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I eat because I am tired, stressed, angry, in pain....
instead of sleeping when tired,
talking to someone when angry...
well-Pain .... don't have a solution for that one because pain killers don't always help me
but fixing 2 out of 3 is a start don't you think?
I agree about painkillers not helping. When I don't get enough sleep, tylenol won't touch my headache. The last time I got one of those sleep deprivation headaches, I went to bed early and slept over 10 hours straight. That got rid of it!
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