Saturday, February 20, 2010

Persistent Cough and Fatigue

I've felt like I'm coming down with a cold since last November. I've had sore throats, dry coughs, and fatigue since then. Before I treated the achromobacter (intestinal bacteria), I had even more respiratory symptoms, like sinus pain, runny nose and headaches. However, those symptoms seemed to decrease while took caprylic acid to eliminate achromobacter. I don't know how CA would affect respiratory symptoms, because I thought CA only affected gastrointestinal infections. Nevertheless, after I finished the CA treatment, the cough, fatigue and upper respiratory symptoms seemed to worsen.

So I made an appointment to see my 'traditional' primary care doc on Monday. Perhaps achromobacter also infected my upper respiratory area, as often happens with cystic fibrosis patients whose immunity is challenged. Perhaps I actually have flu, although I didn't have any muscle aches until I began spring gardening projects. Least likely, but also a possibility, is my latent TB bacteria.

My mom's mother died of TB when my mom was 4 years old. So my mom always tested positive for TB. Her sister (my beloved aunt) developed active TB and was treated in a 'sanitarium' during the 50s before the TB antibiotics were discovered. As a child, I tested positive several times on skin tests. I vaguely remember that in my early 20s one doc gave me a blood test which confirmed TB. That doc wanted to 'treat my TB infection', but I didn't have any obvious symptoms. (My lung x-ray was clear.) So I declined treatment. Recently I read that the TB bacterium has morphed so many times in response to antibiotic treatments that the current standard treatment uses 4 different antibiotics during a 6 month period. OH JOY! Just what I need ... another antibiotic treatment to destroy my probiotics for a longterm period. That will allow new gastro bugs to overwhelm my good intestinal bacteria.

I will take my gastro stool test diagnoses and treatment plans from my naturopathic doc to my traditional doc. She readily accepted my NP's diagnoses for CD and those other 6 food allergies. So I suspect she will appreciate seeing my gastro 'bug' diagnosis and treatment history during the past 4 years. Granted, gastro bugs don't always cause the upper respiratory system. However, achromobacter can infect almost any area of the body, according to what I've read.

Of all the possible causes of my symptoms, achromobacter seems most likely and easily treatable. I doubt I can take caprylic acid for an achromobacter URI. However, my lab report indicated which pharmaceutical antibiotics could also kill achromobacter. I'll just need to keep taking probiotics during treatment for whatever bacteria is causing my symptoms. Best scenario: I just have a cold. Worst scenario: TB

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