Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Treatment Plan

I'm going to my pharmacy to pick up another vancomycin prescription. I saw my naturopath yesterday. We agreed to a new treatment plan to slowly taper off vancomycin and hopefully prevent another c-diff recurrence. I plan to take another week of 1 vanco 4x daily. Then I will reduce that to 1 pill every 12 hours for a week. Then I will take 1 pill daily.

We hope the tapered dose will allow any remaining c-diff spores to come out of hiding during the long periods between doses. Then the next vanco dose can zap the c-diff bacteria which develop from the spores. I read about pulse dosing or tapering on websites about c-diff recurrence. After 3 recurrences of c-diff, I'm willing to tray a different approach to prevent recurrence. I have only 4-1/2 weeks to get well before our Maui trip. So I want to do whatever I can to eliminate c-diff.

I no longer have diarrhea, but still have some cramping pain and fecal urgency. At this point I don't know whether those are still c-diff symptoms or deficieny of good bacteria. I'm getting bruises on my fingers very easily again. Yesterday I bruised my finger badly just tying my shoelaces. Any little extra pressure on my fingers or toes causes bruises, probably because my vitamin K (created by good bacteria) levels are sooo low now. I either need more leafy greens or extra probiotics. I'll go with leafy greens, because I get enough gas after I take my evening probiotic capsule. LOL

I'm still undecided about how long to continue full dose (4x daily) vanco. With the new prescription, I'll begin my 3rd week of destroying c-diff plus all my good bacteria. I hope my current 'regularity' means the c-diff is gone, rather than that I'm heading toward constipation because I have zippo good bacteria. Oh well, I can only wait and see ... SIGH

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