A week ago I celebrated my husband's birthday in a local restaurant, which is a rare event, because I have celiac disease and 6 other food allergies. However, I had determined I would enjoy an allergen safe meal and treat him to a special dinner. I hate sitting in a restaurant with nothing except cold water on a winter night while waiting for the meal. So I ordered a glass of wine. Actually I sampled 2 different kinds of wine before I chose the sweeter wine. Alcohol relaxes my lower esophageal valve, which causes reflux. I seldom drink because I take betaine hydrochloride to enable me to digest proteins. I have very low stomach acid, possibly due to age, more likely due to misdiagnosis (of CD) and mis-treatment with acid blockers for too many years. I also become more sensitive to alcohol the longer I abstain. I rationalized that I would drink only one glass with food. So I didn't think I would react so badly. (I forgot that I reacted very badly to one glass with food about 6 weeks ago.) Unfortunately, I sampled the 2 wines WITHOUT food before the meal. My husband drank part of my ordered glass. So I probably consumed only one total glass. After the meal I felt a little tipsy, but very tired. So I went to bed early.
The next morning I felt a little nauseous, very tired and headachey. So I ate a bland breakfast, took Tylenol and finished a pot of decaf coffee (which is a lot for me). Mid morning I felt VERY nauseous and eventually threw up. I thought that was that, but I threw up later in the day. A few hours later I ate what I thought was a bland dinner, but as the evening progressed I felt more nauseous and extreme acid reflux. Over 2 hours later I could resist no longer and threw up again. Even after drinking lots of cool water, my throat burned with acid reflux off and on all night. I slept very little. I felt very scared about what was happening to my body.
During one of my sleepless moments I decided to get up and turn on my computer. Something led me to look at the ThinWithin website, although I had been inactive for several years after my celiac and food allergy diagnoses. Perhaps I realized I felt totally out of control. No matter what I had previously done to stay healthy, I made a few wrong choices during the past 24 hours and now suffered the consequences of those choices. I felt guilty about those choices and ashamed because I believed I should have known better. Although I had forgotten how much ThinWithin had taught me about God's grace, I desperately needed His presence, power and provision during those scarey moments.
The next morning I continued to reflux after eating very little. However I was determined to resist throwing up. I also skimmed my copy of "Why Stomach Acid is Good for You" to review which foods relaxed the lower esophageal valve and allowed stomach acid to reflux. I took much less betaine hydrochloride with meals that day, but I feared completely abstaining would cause even more malabsorption problems. I also attempted to register for the ThinWithin community message board. After I couldn't successfully register online, I later called their customer service number and spoke at length to a very caring director who updated me about all the great improvements at ThinWithin.
After 2 days of chronic reflux, sipping lots of cool water to control reflux, eating small, bland meals, while constantly fearing reflux and/or uncontrollable vomiting, and much prayer, I decided to abstain from HCl but take a digestive enzyme with lunch. I had almost no reflux after that meal and my throat began to heal. By dinnertime I could take a little HCL and digest some protein without much reflux. I felt soooo grateful that I could finally digest some food without refluxing or vomiting.
That experience changed my thoughts from wondering whether I should cut back my consumption before Thanksgiving to avoid weight gain during the holiday cooking and feasting to wondering whether I could eat anything without reflux or extreme nausea to finally feeling grateful for normal (for me, anyway) digestion. I did suffer some malabsorption symptoms (like mouth ulcers, fatigue, irregularity) during the next few days, because I had severely limited or even abstained from HCl which I need to properly digest proteins, absorb iron, magnesium and process fats. However, I knew that resuming proper amounts of HCl would eventually resolve those symptoms. Above all, I anticipated and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with a healthier digestive system. I also learned to avoid foods and/or beverages which relax the lower esophageal valve and irritate the esophagus. Most importantly, I understood that I need God's guidance and grace to relearn how to maintain a comfortable, healthy body, the temple of His Holy Spirit.
I'm uncertain at this point how active (if at all) I want to become with ThinWithin. My situation is very different from most posting members. I did notice some confusion about food allergies, which I could help resolve. However, I don't need or want to lose weight. I only want to review ThinWithin principles which taught me to honor my body with how, when and what I ate. I recently scanned my old TW workbooks. I also reread some of the TW book, which I taught as a TW support group leader 4 years ago. However, I'm in a different place now, emotionally and physically, from where I was 4 years ago. Since then, I healed considerably emotionally and physically, but I now need even more spiritual healing.
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Wow Sue...sounds like some major lessons learned. I wish that I learned my lessons as quickly as you do..it usually takes me several times of going around the same old block and banging my head constantly on the wall to get me to change...lol. In fact I went back on sugar for Thanksgiving(after having been sugar free for several weeks)...had a major migraine then developed a nasty sore throat that I'm nursing now. Arghhh. Meanwhile, while I had been sugar free, the kids each had gone through a bout of the flu and I had remained bug free. So...I am convinced now that on top of everythting sugar lowers my immunity...but yet...am I hurrying to get off of it? Nope...will re-start on Tuesday. I have the wake and the funeral of a dear friend of mine (Roy's cousin inlaw)today and tomorrow and I just don't want to add another thing to have to think about. Oh well. I guess making a decision based on the choices at hand is a step up from 'victimhood' where things are just happening to you and you don't know why. SIGH.
Thanks, Essy. I wish I had learned those lessons years ago from less painful experiences. I suspect I was so stubbornly stuck in my old habits that He needed to use a dramatic, scarey experience to wake me up. SIGH
As I review my old TW workbooks, I understand why I did so well with eating during that time, despite having yet undiagnosed CD, food allergies and other gastro problems. In week 5 they suggest paying attention to how foods affect you, whether you feel satisfied longer after eating or feel unsatisfied after only a short while. So many people use the 'freedom to eat anything' part of TW and ignore the advice to learn from our body sensations, beyond hunger and satisfaction.
I also have problems with sugar, but mainly cane sugar, to which I have a diagnosed IgG allergy. After consuming sugar, I get immediate tachycardia, which continues for about 48 hours.
I wanted to believe that I never had spiritual 'gluttony' problems, but developed disordered eating to cope with food allergies, CD and other gastro problems. Now I know I continued ignoring hunger, satisfaction and even how nonallergenic foods affected me long after my diagnoses. I wish I could say I stopped bingeing and purging after my diagnoses, but I didn't. My experience is an extreme example of what we can learn from how food affects us. However, I used my diagnoses to trust the 'law' (safe foods) rather than 'spirit' to guide what and how I ate. I'll reveal more in a future post ...
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